Then he began to say to them, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” - Luke 4:21
This statement marks another step in the public ministry of Jesus, revealing that He is the fulfillment of God's promises. Jesus stands as the embodiment of the hope that was prophesied for centuries.
But what does that mean for us today? When Jesus says, “Today,” He isn’t just speaking about a specific moment in history. He’s offering something that transcends time—today means now. Jesus is alive, and His promises are still unfolding in our lives. Every time we hear the Word of God, we are invited into this same “today”—the present reality of God’s grace, healing, and restoration. Scripture isn't just a distant memory or a promise for the future; it is a powerful, living Word that is meant to shape and transform us right now. Like the people in the synagogue, we too are called to listen. Jesus’ words are not just in the past. They are for our present. Do we truly hear them? Do we believe that His promises are meant for us now?
But when we can hear the words of Jesus, that is just the beginning. Jesus calls us not only to accept the message that he shares, but to LIVE in the light of it. This means embracing the freedom of being a Christian, and sharing the Good News of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. It means letting God’s healing presence transform our lives.
Jesus’ declaration that “today” the scripture is fulfilled, reminds us that God’s promises are not delayed. They unfold in perfect timing, and WE are a part of the ongoing story.
Are there areas in your life where God is offering you freedom, healing, or restoration right now?
Peace, Pastor Erin
Pr. Bruce’s Retirement Celebration Postponed
Due to health reasons, Pr. Bruce’s retirement celebration has been postponed. We will share a new date once it has been rescheduled. Please keep him in your prayers, and stay tuned for updates.
Super Bowl Sunday Watch Party! Join us in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, February 9, at 3:00pm to watch the Chiefs vs. Eagles in the Super Bowl! Bring an appetizer to share (in a disposable dish) and your own drinks. Questions? Contact John Crowley or Jim Aguirre.
Don't miss the fun—see you there!
LOGOS: Our Elementary Family Ministry Join us for LOGOS every Wednesday in February, starting February 5 at 3:15pm! Elementary children will enjoy fun activities, games, and engaging stories—all are welcome!
After LOGOS, families are invited to share a delicious dinner at 5:15pm, offering a great chance to connect and build community.
We’re always looking for enthusiastic volunteers! If you’d like to help, please contact Nick or Dany Pollard.
TLC Preschool Priority Registration Fall registration is coming up soon! We are excited to welcome back returning children of TLC Preschool and Trinity Lutheran Church members.
Registration Schedule: Monday, February 3, 2025: Registration opens for returning children of TLC Preschool and Trinity Lutheran Church members. Tuesday, February 18, 2025: Remaining spaces will be open for registration to the community.
How to Register: To register your child, please send an email to with the following information: Child's name, Date of birth, Phone number Number of days per week your child will attend (2, 3, or 5 days)
We look forward to hearing from you!
TLC Now Offers Hearing Loop Support! We're thrilled to announce the installation of a Hearing Loop System at TLC.
What it means for you: If you use a hearing aid with a T-coil, this system can significantly improve your listening experience by enhancing sound clarity and reducing background noise. We also have loop receivers you can wear.
Need assistance? Contact John Crowley for more information and to learn how to utilize the Hearing Loop System.
YA Small Group Connect Join a new Young Adult Small Group starting Wednesday, February 12 at 8:15pm on Zoom! This is a space to connect with other young adults, explore questions of faith and life, and grow together as a community. Contact Nick for the Zoom link and be part of something awesome!
January Blood Pressure Check Schedule
February 16 - 10:00am and Noon in the Prayer Room
Blood pressure checks are available the 1st and 3rd Sundays in the prayer room between services. Our faith community nurse, Karen Jensen, RN, PhD, will be on hand.
Project Understanding is in need of canned and packaged goods, and heavy plastic bags.
City Center is in need of paper towels and toilet paper.
Your support is greatly appreciated. Please place items in the baskets located in the gathering space.
January 30 - Emilia Pollard, Alane Wightman February 1 - Eric O’Neill, Danielle (Rose) Harmon February 2 - Betty Carper, Alan Rodebush
Our heartfelt sympathies go out to the friends and families for the recent passing of:
Marie Amore
April Pike
Please keep the following people in your prayers:
For Healing and Comfort: Pr. Bruce Johnson Mike Diaz The family of Marie Atmore, at her death The family of April Pike, at her death
'25 Goal based on 2.5%+ over '24 actuals - $548,020.88/52 weeks. '25 YTD Challenge Goal based on 50% over 5 Years (8.5%) - $646,641.45/52 weeks. We are in Year 5
Attendance Week 3, 2025: Individuals in Person - 134 Estimated Individuals Online - 19
Attendance Week 3, 2024: Individuals in Person - 125 Estimated Individuals Online - 29