We are a Family of Believers adopted into the Body of Christ by God’s choice (Ephesians 1.5).

God has called us to be the Family of Believers which gathers at the corner of Ashwood and Loma Vista at a place we call Trinity Lutheran Church. In response we can participate in and provide for the needs of this community.

We invite you to considering making a financial gift and help provide resources to empower the ministry and mission at TLC.

Simple and secure giving. Give one-time or schedule recurring giving by clicking the link below.

Text Giving
Simply text the word "GIVE" to 833.664.0117

Complete giving information and credit/debit card details. Once complete, the information is securely saved for future gifts.

You can easily give at any time by texting a simple number (ex. 250) and hitting send!

Consider Making a Recurring Gift

Signing up for monthly giving is a wonderful way to support TLC. Your steady support will help sustain our ministries throughout the year and enable thoughtful long-term planning for our church.

Why choose recurring giving?

Simple & Hassle-Free: Set it up once, and your giving continues automatically all year.

Manageable: Spread your financial commitment across the year, making it easier to give consistently.

Here's information to get started:

  • Click on the "Donate Today" button above
  • Fill in the amount you would like to give monthly
  • Check the "Recurring Giving" box and choose the frequency of the gift
  • Fill in your information and payment information (something to consider: TLC incurs less fees if you choose to withdraw from your bank account vs. credit card)
  • Check the "Remember Me" box and choose a password and pin (be sure to save this information as you will need it in the future)

That's it! You can check your giving and account by visiting https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give

You can also update your Recurring Gift! https://rebrand.ly/recurringGift

Learn how you can leave a lasting legacy at TLC through planned giving. Download our materials to explore your options.

Legacy Giving Materials
Gift Policy

TLC is deeply grateful for gifts made to support the mission work of the church. To ensure that every gift made to the church is accepted equally and respectfully, we share our Gift Policy that provides structure on how a gift is accepted as well as the many ways you can make a gift to TLC.

Gift Policy