When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”  -John 2:3-5

Imagine you’re at a wedding, and everything’s going great—until the wine runs out. Big problem, right? So, Mary, Jesus’ mom, steps in. She tells Jesus, “They have no wine.” Now, Jesus responds kind of like, “Why is that my problem?” (I imagine Him with a raised eyebrow.) It’s like when your mom asks you to do something and you give the classic “Do I have to?” look. But Mary isn’t fazed. She just tells the servants, “Do whatever He tells you.”

And here’s where it gets interesting: Mary had such a strong relationship with Jesus that she didn’t need to argue with Him. She knew Him, trusted Him, and believed He would do something—even if He seemed hesitant at first. And guess what? He did! He turned water into wine, saving the day.

Isn’t that how it works with relationships? When you know someone well, you trust that they’ve got your back, even when the situation seems a little weird or messy. Just like Mary trusted Jesus, we can trust Jesus with the things that seem too small or too big. And the best part? Our God is always ready to respond.

In what ways can you deepen your trust in Jesus during the everyday "wine runs out" moments of your life?  How can you cultivate a deeper sense of trust in your relationships with others?

Peace, Pastor Erin

Join us for a single worship service at 10:00am on Sunday, January 26.

Immediately following the service, we will hold our Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting to review and approve the 2025 Spending Plan.  

You can review the agenda and meeting materials ahead of time by clicking the link below. For those unable to attend in person, a Zoom link is listed on the agenda and will also be shared in the Sunday email.

Childcare will be available in the Garden Room during the meeting. Please note that there will be no Godly Play that day.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Meeting Materials

Pr. Bruce’s Retirement Celebration Postponed

Pr. Bruce’s retirement celebration has been postponed to February 2. He is still not feeling a 100% and wants to be cautious on exposing others. He looks forward to seeing all of you on February 2, in between worship services.


TLC Preschool Priority Registration
Fall registration is coming up soon! We are excited to welcome back returning children of TLC Preschool and Trinity Lutheran Church members.

Registration Schedule:
Monday, February 3, 2025:
Registration opens for returning children of TLC Preschool and Trinity Lutheran Church members.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025: Remaining spaces will be open for registration to the community.

How to Register:
To register your child, please send an email to tlcpreschool196@gmail.com with the following information:
       Child's name, Date of birth, Phone number
       Number of days per week your child will attend (2, 3, or 5 days)

We look forward to hearing from you!


Get Ready for Super Bowl Sunday
Join us for a viewing party in the Fellowship Hall on February 9 at 3:00pm. G
ather with friends for an afternoon of fun, food, and football! Watch the big game on a 15-foot screen with our new sound system and projector, generously funded by a Thrivent Action Plan and an anonymous donor. Bring an appetizer to share (in a disposable dish) and your own drink.

Sign up at the Welcome Desk, and for any questions, contact John Crowley or Jim Aguirre. The game will be shown on a 15' screen with a new sound system and projector, made possible by a generous donation from Thrivent Action Plan and an anonymous donor.


Start the New Year with Recurring Giving
As we begin 2025, we invite you to consider setting up a recurring gift to support TLC! Recurring giving offers steady support for our mission and comes with great benefits:
  • Convenience: Set it up once, and your giving is taken care of for the year.
  • Flexibility: Spread the financial impact of your gift across the entire year with manageable monthly payments.
To set up or update your recurring gift for 2025, visit www.tlcventura.org/give. If you give through Simply Giving and need to make changes, please contact Anna at abcwagner12@gmail.com.
January Blood Pressure Check Schedule
  • February 16 - 10:00am and Noon in the Prayer Room
Blood pressure checks are available the 1st and 3rd Sundays in the prayer room between services. Our faith community nurse, Karen Jensen, RN, PhD, will be on hand.
  • Project Understanding is in need of canned and packaged goods, and hotel-size shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion, disposable razors, toothbrushes and toothpaste for making hygiene kits.
  • City Center is in need of any type of cleaning supplies and size 6 diapers.
Your support is greatly appreciated. Please place items in the baskets located in the gathering space.

January 23 - Koleton Petty, Darlene Scaman, Susan Tanner, David Wells 
January 24 - Judy Dugan, Steve McClary
January 25 - David Bartlett, Mary Bergseid, Bruce Petty, Eric Zeko 
January 26 - Christian Montecino
January 27 - Marilyn Cadinha, Curtis Tanner 
Please keep the following people in your prayers:
For Healing and Comfort:
Marie Amore
Mike Diaz
The family of April Pike, at her death
The family of Edele Johnstone, at her death

Week 2 (Jan 12 - Jan 18, 2025)
Giving through Week 2: 
Current Week -  $13,534.32
2025 YTD -  $26,174.97
2025 Goal YTD - $21,077.73
2025 Challenge Goal YTD - $24,870.83
 2024 YTD - $24,618.13
'25 Goal based on 2.5%+ over '24 actuals - $548,020.88/52 weeks. '25 YTD Challenge Goal based on 50% over 5 Years (8.5%) - $646,641.45/52 weeks. We are in Year 5
Attendance Week 2, 2025:
Individuals in Person - 153
Estimated Individuals Online - 43

Attendance Week 2, 2024:
Individuals in Person - 132
Estimated Individuals Online - 46