But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. - Matthew 6:6 

On this Ash Wednesday, we begin a journey of reflection, a quiet return to the heart of who we are. Jesus, in Matthew 6, calls us to look inward, to examine the depths of our spiritual practices, and to ask: Whose approval are we seeking? 

Jesus speaks of giving, praying, fasting—not as acts of public display, but as whispers between our souls and God. In the stillness of secret prayer, in the quiet of unseen sacrifice, we find the true measure of devotion. Jesus calls us to lay down our pride, to seek no recognition from the world, but only the warmth of God's gaze upon us. It is not the praise of others that matters, but the sincerity of our hearts, laid bare before the One who sees all. 

In this sacred season, as we enter the wilderness of Lent, we are invited to leave behind the false treasures we so often cling to—the praise, the recognition, the fleeting comforts of the world—and to turn our hearts toward what is lasting. Jesus calls us to store up treasure in the quiet places, where only God can see, where the treasure of a humble heart is worth more than all the world’s riches.

This Ash Wednesday, let us ask ourselves: Are we giving, praying, fasting for the world’s applause, or for the quiet, eternal reward of God’s love? And where are we storing our treasures—on earth, where they will fade? Or in heaven, where they will shine forever? 
In the ashes, we are reminded: from dust we came, and to dust we will return. But in Christ, the dust is not the end. It is the beginning of transformation—of a heart made new, a spirit renewed, a life lived for treasures that never fade.

Peace, Pastor Erin

Check out the Weekly Bulletin to see the full schedule of what’s happening at TLC this week!

Weekly Bulletin

Don’t forget to spring forward! Set your clocks ahead one hour before bed on Saturday night, March 9. Longer days are ahead!


As we journey through Lent, we invite you to take part in worship, reflection, and fellowship. Below is our schedule of services and gatherings as we prepare our hearts for Easter.

Wednesdays in Lent
Lenten Services: 12:30pm & 6:30pm
Lenten Soup Supper: 5:45pm (before the evening service)

Holy Week & Easter
April 13 – Palm Sunday: 9:00am & 11:00am
April 17 – Maundy Thursday: 12:30pm & 6:30pm
April 18 – Stations of the Cross: Noon–3:00pm
April 18 – Good Friday Service: 6:30pm
April 19 – Easter Vigil: 7:32pm
April 20 – Sunrise Service: 6:30am (Ventura Beach Promenade)
April 20 – Easter Services: 9:00am & 11:00am

We look forward to sharing this sacred season with you.


Lennie Weinerth is organizing a donation drive for the Ventura and Santa Paula Shelters. We're collecting light jackets, socks, t-shirts, and underwear to help those in need. Please drop off your donations in the Gathering Space donation box. Thank you!


Join Us in Sharing the Word!

We’re looking for readers for our 9:00am worship service. If you’d like to participate, sign up on the Announcement Board in the Coffee Shop.

Thank you for being part of our worship! 


Bringing refreshments is a wonderful way to connect with our church family. If you'd like to help, sign up on the Announcement Board in the Coffee Shop.

Thank you for sharing in fellowship!


Celebrating Sandy Michalec’s dad on this incredible milestone today, March 6! 
March Blood Pressure Check Schedule
  • March 16 - 10:00am and Noon in the Prayer Room
Blood pressure checks are available the 1st and 3rd Sundays in the prayer room between services. Our faith community nurse, Karen Jensen, RN, PhD, will be on hand.
  • Project Understanding is in need of canned and packaged goods, and heavy plastic bags.
  • City Center is in need of paper towels and toilet paper.
Your support is greatly appreciated. Please place items in the baskets located in the gathering space.
Please join us as we remember and celebrate the life of:

April Pike  on March 15 at 3:00pm
at Trinity Lutheran Church
March 6 - Erick Grewe
March 7 - Jessica, Korpi, Katelyn Petty, Taylor Sturgeon 
March 9 - Nathaniel Childress, Alana Connelly
March 10 - Lilly Christenson, Michaela Magallanes, Alida Rodebush
March 11 - Mary Ann Downard
Please keep the following people in your prayers:
For Healing and Comfort:
Guy Weber
Mike Diaz
Family of Marland Sell, brother in law of Tom Shideler, at this death
Family of April Pike, at her death

Week 8 (Feb 23 - Mar 1, 2025)
Giving through Week 8: 
Current Week -  $6,217.14
2025 YTD -  $85,475.30
2025 Goal YTD - $84,310.90
2025 Challenge Goal YTD - $99,483.30
 2024 YTD - $105,392.77
'25 Goal based on 2.5%+ over '24 actuals - $548,020.88/52 weeks. '25 YTD Challenge Goal based on 50% over 5 Years (8.5%) - $646,641.45/52 weeks. We are in Year 5
Attendance Week 7, 2025:
Individuals in Person - 144
Estimated Individuals Online - 42

Attendance Week 7, 2024:
Individuals in Person - 142
Estimated Individuals Online - 47