Have you ever been hurt by someone? Really hurt—whether by words, actions, or betrayal? We all have, and it’s in those moments that Jesus’ words in Luke 6:27-29 really hit home:

"Love your enemies; do good to those who hate you; 
bless those who curse you; pray for those who mistreat you.
If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, 
and from anyone who takes away your coat 
do not withhold even your shirt.”


It sounds impossible, doesn’t it? This is especially true when the pain is fresh or the wound feels deep. How do we love and forgive in those moments? How do we respond when people hurt us or wrong us? It’s a hard question, and it’s one I’ve wrestled with too.

Jesus isn’t asking us to be doormats or to accept abuse. What He’s really calling us to do, is something radical: not to retaliate, but to rise above the hurt with compassion and love, to break the cycle of anger and revenge, even when it feels impossible. The truth is, we can’t do this on our own. But with God’s grace, we can begin to choose love—even in our deepest pain.

This week, I want to challenge you to think about a person or situation in your life where it’s hard to show love. Maybe it's someone who’s wronged you, or someone you just can’t seem to forgive. What would it look like to choose love in that moment instead of retaliation? How can you begin to respond with the kind of love that breaks cycles and reflects God’s heart?

It’s a tough journey, but we’re not in it alone. Jesus is with us every step of the way.

Peace, Pastor Erin

Check out the Weekly Bulletin to see the full schedule of what’s happening at TLC this week!

Weekly Bulletin

A Note from Pastor Bruce:

Dear TLC Family and Staff,
We were overwhelmed on Sunday, February 23 during worship and the reception for us between services. You touched our hearts with your special words, cards, and gifts. Our words of thanks are not enough to express the joy and love we received in your special and unique generosity.
 Blessing and love to you all, Gwen and Bruce Johnson


Join us for TLC's Lenten Soup Suppers, beginning March 12. These weekly gatherings offer a time of fellowship and reflection as we share a meal together.

If you're interested in contributing a soup supper or joining a team to prepare one for a Wednesday evening during Lent, please sign up at the Welcome Desk. Volunteers to assist with cleanup are also always appreciated!


Join us this Sunday, March 2, at 10:20 AM in the Garden Room for a Youth and Family Ministry Update. Staff and council will share how we are moving through this time of transition and the next steps being considered. Everyone is encouraged to attend as we share updates, upcoming opportunities, and ways to get involved.


El Camino Pines and Luther Glen Bible Camps are recruiting camp counselors for this summer! They’re looking for young adults ages 18-25 who want to make a difference while growing in faith, leadership, and community. Not sure about spending a summer at camp? Consider this:

 Camp builds vocational clarity – 80% of staff say camp helped them clarify their career direction.
 Camp builds faithful leaders – 40% of ELCA pastors and over half of all bishops worked at camp.
 Camp builds resilience – 90% of staff feel more confident in themselves after a summer at camp.
 Camp builds social skills – 87% of staff say their teammates supported them when they needed it.

Think about working at camp this summer! It’s an unforgettable experience of faith, fun, and growth. Learn more and apply at: https://lrcchome.com/summer-employment
A big thank you to Nancy Bocovich and her team for organizing a wonderful retirement celebration for Pr. Bruce. Your dedication to Trinity is truly appreciated, and we are grateful for the time and effort you put into making this event so special!
March Blood Pressure Check Schedule
  • March 16 - 10:00am and Noon in the Prayer Room
Blood pressure checks are available the 1st and 3rd Sundays in the prayer room between services. Our faith community nurse, Karen Jensen, RN, PhD, will be on hand.
  • Project Understanding is in need of canned and packaged goods, and heavy plastic bags.
  • City Center is in need of paper towels and toilet paper.
Your support is greatly appreciated. Please place items in the baskets located in the gathering space.
Please join us as we remember and celebrate the life of:

April Pike  on March 15 at 3:00pm
at Trinity Lutheran Church
February 27 - Erin Jones, Dylan McClary 
February 28 - Mitchell Macintyre 
February 29 - Laura Powers
March 1 - Scott Barradas 
March 4 - Priscilla Becker, Hunter Young 
Please keep the following people in your prayers:
For Healing and Comfort:
Mike Diaz
Family of Marland Fall, brother in law of Tom Shideler, at this death
Family of Bethany, niece of Melanie Austin, at her death

Week 7 (Feb 16 - Feb 22, 2025)
Giving through Week 7: 
Current Week -  $8,637.04
2025 YTD -  $79,258.16
2025 Goal YTD - $73,772.04
2025 Challenge Goal YTD - $87,047.89
 2024 YTD - $98,972.46
'25 Goal based on 2.5%+ over '24 actuals - $548,020.88/52 weeks. '25 YTD Challenge Goal based on 50% over 5 Years (8.5%) - $646,641.45/52 weeks. We are in Year 5
Attendance Week 7, 2025:
Individuals in Person - 144
Estimated Individuals Online - 42

Attendance Week 7, 2024:
Individuals in Person - 142
Estimated Individuals Online - 47