Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in the prophet’s hometown. - Luke 4:24

Well, if anyone knows about the difficulties of being taken seriously in a hometown, it’s Jesus! He’s basically saying, "I can heal the sick, raise the dead, and walk on water, but you still remember when I took my first step and or when I got my first bicycle and couldn't keep my training wheels on!"

Jesus’ words cut to the heart of something we all know too well: Familiarity often breeds contempt—or at the very least, it breeds a lack of appreciation. The people of Nazareth knew Jesus since he was a child. They watched him grow up, maybe even helped him with school projects (or threw him out of their carpentry shop for getting sawdust everywhere). So when Jesus starts claiming to be the fulfillment of Scripture, they’re like, “Wait—hold on, isn’t this just Joseph’s son? Didn’t I teach him how to tie his sandals?” They couldn't get past the Jesus they watched grow up.

It’s easy to do the same thing with God, isn’t it? We get so used to the way things have always been, God working in familiar ways and in familiar places, that we miss out on the surprising ways God is at work right in front of us. It’s like the guy who has a map of his hometown, knows every street, but still manages to get lost in the grocery store.

Familiarity plays a significant role in our human experience, providing comfort and stability. But the real question is: Are we open and prepared to embrace the unexpected ways God might surprise us?  And how might we do that?  STAY TUNED…

Peace, Pastor Erin

A Message from Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton

In response to recent false claims about Lutheran organizations, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton shares an important message about our unwavering commitment to serving refugees, immigrants, and vulnerable communities with integrity and transparency. Click below to watch her video.


Join us on Sunday, February 9, for an important Adult Forum on Disaster Preparedness, presented by Karen Jensen, Jim Aguirre, and Debe Bylo. This session will cover key steps in disaster response, from preparation to evacuation, with handouts provided by the Ventura County Sheriff.

This forum is valuable for everyone—including youth, as disaster readiness is a team effort. We hope to see you there!


Celebrating the Baptism of Elena Pomposo
February 9 is a joyous day as we welcome Elena Pomposo into our faith community through baptism. We also extend a heartfelt thank you to Karin Childress for her dedication in guiding and supporting Elena on her faith journey.

When you see Elena on Sunday, be sure to congratulate her and celebrate this special milestone with her!


Neighbor Aid Fund in Action
Thanks to the generosity of TLC members, the Neighbor Aid Fund recently helped a homeless woman secure housing. When a community partner requested assistance for a single woman in need of shelter but unable to cover her first month’s rent, the oversight committee acted quickly—evaluating the situation, approving the request, and providing the necessary funds. Because of this support, she was able to move off the street immediately.

The people of TLC continue to make a meaningful difference in our community—thank you for being a part of this important work!


TLC Preschool Registration Schedule:
Monday, February 3, 2025:
Registration opened for returning children of TLC Preschool and Trinity Lutheran Church members.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025: Remaining spaces will be open for registration to the community.

How to Register:
To register your child, please send an email to with the following information:
       Child's name, Date of birth, Phone number
       Number of days per week your child will attend (2, 3, or 5 days)

We look forward to hearing from you!


Join us for good food and great company at this month’s Young at Heart Luncheon on Thursday, February 20, at noon in the Fellowship Hall! Sign up at the Welcome Desk to let us know you’re coming.


Join us on Sunday, February 23, between services as we celebrate Pastor Bruce Johnson and express our heartfelt gratitude for his many years of dedicated service to TLC. This is a special opportunity to honor his ministry and wish him well in his well-deserved retirement. We hope you’ll be there to celebrate with us!


Super Bowl Sunday Watch Party!
Join us in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, February 9, at 3:00pm to watch the Chiefs vs. Eagles in the Super Bowl! Bring an appetizer to share (in a disposable dish) and your own drinks.
Questions? Contact John Crowley or Jim Aguirre.


LOGOS: Our Elementary Family Ministry
Join us for LOGOS every Wednesday at 3:15pm! Elementary children will enjoy fun activities, games, and engaging stories—all are welcome!

After LOGOS, families are invited to share a delicious dinner at 5:15pm, offering a great chance to connect and build community.

We’re always looking for enthusiastic volunteers! If you’d like to help, please contact Nick or Dany Pollard.


TLC Now Offers Hearing Loop Support!
We're thrilled to announce the installation of a Hearing Loop System at TLC.

What it means for you: If you use a hearing aid with a T-coil, this system can significantly improve your listening experience by enhancing sound clarity and reducing background noise. We also have loop receivers you can wear.

Need assistance? Contact John Crowley for more information and to learn how to utilize the Hearing Loop System.

January Blood Pressure Check Schedule
  • February 16 - 10:00am and Noon in the Prayer Room
Blood pressure checks are available the 1st and 3rd Sundays in the prayer room between services. Our faith community nurse, Karen Jensen, RN, PhD, will be on hand.
  • Project Understanding is in need of canned and packaged goods, and heavy plastic bags.
  • City Center is in need of paper towels and toilet paper.
Your support is greatly appreciated. Please place items in the baskets located in the gathering space.

February 6 - Donna Pollex
February 8 - Kristen O’Neill, Linda Witham 
February 9 - Tate Kemble, Rosemary Reitz
February 10 - John Adair
February 11 - Jordan Becker, Axel Haar
Please keep the following people in your prayers:
For Healing and Comfort:
Tom Jones
Pr. Bruce Johnson
Carol Coyle
Mike Diaz
The family of Marie Atmore, at her death.
The family of April Pike, at her death.

Week 4 (Jan 25 - Feb 1, 2025)
Giving through Week 4: 
Current Week -  $16,666.99
2025 YTD -  $48,671.16
2025 Goal YTD - $42,155.45
2025 Challenge Goal YTD - $49,741.65
 2024 YTD - $48,111.05
'25 Goal based on 2.5%+ over '24 actuals - $548,020.88/52 weeks. '25 YTD Challenge Goal based on 50% over 5 Years (8.5%) - $646,641.45/52 weeks. We are in Year 5
Attendance Week 4, 2025:
Individuals in Person - 108
Estimated Individuals Online - 109

Attendance Week 4, 2024:
Individuals in Person - 139
Estimated Individuals Online - 42