Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” John 8:31-32

Last Sunday marked the celebration of what we call REFORMATION.  It is a reminder for us that there were times in the life of the church that the leaders assumed more “power” in the world than they may be should have.  They told people that if they would pay a certain amount of money, those in church leadership could actually assure their way into heaven. 

Martin Luther called them out.  He went toe to toe with the leaders of the church, not because he wanted to destroy the church or papacy, but because he wanted them to make changes to improve the church.  He wanted to free the people and the institution of the church from the bonds they had created thinking that it would save their immortal souls.

Reformation Sunday is a reminder that this freedom is the bedrock of our faith – the grace and mercy given to us in Jesus Christ. Keeping Christ in the center of the picture is the only hope for our faith and for this community that we call “church.” 

We are not a church to keep people “out”, but rather to find ways that we can ourselves be free of the bondage of a sinful world, and to seek the truth that Jesus reminds us that He has paid for our sins

Are we able and willing to live into that belief?

Peace, Pastor Erin
Download our schedule to see what's happening at TLC, mark your calendar, and join us for our Fall activities!
Fall Activities Schedule
Adult Forum Schedule

Reminder: Daylight Savings Ends This Sunday!
Just a quick note to set your clocks back one hour before bed on Saturday, November 2nd. Enjoy that extra hour of rest, and we’ll see you bright and refreshed for worship on Sunday morning!

Please be advised the new flooring installation will begin November 4. The church office will remain open, but other areas of the building will be closed for the week. Thank you for understanding.

Since March, our group has been gathering every Tuesday at 4:00pm. We're excited to announce a new dinner event on the second Tuesday of each month, beginning November 12 at 6:00pm. Please join us at Snapper Jack's Taco Shack (5100 Telegraph Road, Ventura) for fellowship and dinner. 

We're so grateful to everyone who made our Book Give-Away a success! Your generous donations and support have made a real difference. The items we collected have been delivered to Project Understanding and The City Center, and we raised $225 for our Neighbor Aid Fund. Any remaining items will be donated to Friends of The Library.

Are you seeking spiritual direction, life coaching, or grief counseling? Pastor Erin is here to offer a listening ear and support as you navigate life's challenges. The first 3 sessions are no cost for TLC members. A nominal fee will be charged for subsequent sessions. Pastor Erin can be reached at or by phone at 805-644-7474 to schedule your initial consultation and begin your journey toward greater peace and fulfillment.
November 27, 6:30pm - Thanksgiving Eve Worship and Pie Social
December 11, 6:00pm - Christmas Caroling
December 14, 6:30pm - Christmas Movie Night: Elf
December 22, 9:00am - Children’s Christmas Program 
November Blood Pressure Check Schedule
  • November 3 - 10:00am
  • November 17 - 10:00am and 12:00pm
Blood pressure checks are available the 1st and 3rd Sundays in the prayer room between services. Our faith community nurse, Karen Jensen, RN, PhD, will be on hand.
  • Project Understanding is in need of any type of nonperishable food items and heavy plastic grocery bags.
  • City Center is in need of any type of cleaning supplies and size 6 diapers.
Your support is greatly appreciated. Please place items in the baskets located in the gathering space.

October 30 - Shannon Burke, Scott Manninen, Peyton Van Wagner
November 1 - Mykaela Bryson 
November 2 - Connie Gajefski
November 3 - Debbie Bergevin, Nick deBos-Haigler
November 4 - Douglas Miller
November 5 - David Erickson, Ian McClary 
Please keep the following people in your prayers:

For Comfort, Healing and Strength:
    Robert Weinerth
    Joyce Opjorden
    Lori Heggie Brown, sister of Sandy Peveler
    Mike Diaz

Week 42 (October 20 -  October 26, 2024)
Giving through Week 42: 
Current Week -  $5,492.04
2024 YTD -  $388,714.87
2024 Goal YTD - $481,370.81
 2023 YTD -  $394,542.02
2024 Goal based of $595,983/52 weeks
We are in Year 4 of 50% in 5 years
Attendance Week 42, 2024:
Individuals in Person - 103
Estimated Individuals Online - 29

Attendance Week 42, 2023:
Individuals in Person - 146
Estimated Individuals Online - 48